There’s a very nice piece in the SmartBlog on Education called, “And still we can wander.” Author Stuart Grauer (Real Teachers) writes about learning through the mind of a student with ADHD. He says, “ADHD-types are on topic, maybe just not the required topic.” That’s because when they take off on a topic, they want to learn everything and diverge into their own discovery leaps.
Grauer knows that many teachers consider this an inability to concentrate, evidence of distractibility, and/or impulsive behavior. There are, what he calls, “dream-catcher” teachers who allow space for students to digress and to venture into the ideas that come into their minds. These are the types of teachers that ADHD students—and perhaps all students—need. Grauer has found that if ADHD students are granted space to explore, to learn in a non-linear way, that most of these students will return their attention to the content being taught.