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February 25, 2011


jake hardy

I am in a class Instructional Technology right now and throughout the class I have learned alot of new technologies that you can even use in a physical education class. Class wiki's, podcasting, blogs, scavenger hunts, and webquests are all great technologies to get the students involved. You have to be creative on how and when you use them. I thought that it would be impossible to use technology in a physical education class, but you can.

Merle Marsh

You are right. It's very frustrating, and so many could improve by learning to use tech creatively. It's sad also that some use tech like they did chalkboards and overhead projectors. Keep in mind, however, that there are master teachers who do very well without using technologies.They have their established methods that work, and their students love their classes and do very well academically.

Colleen Somers

It is frustrating to work with a team of teachers who are not able or willing to try new ways to integrate technology in the classroom.

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