As you flip through the abundance of television channels, sometimes it seems like you see nothing but people evaluating each other, people calling in ratings, and people criticizing in not-so-nice terms. If you want to put a student video or podcast online, unless you have a private place to put it, anyone can comment on it, anyone can rate it. Do you worry that your students have worked on a project and that someone might make them feel awful by posting a nasty comment? There are places where children's art and writing can be uploaded, and sometimes this work can be commented upon and/or rated by others. It's fine for people to evaluate books and toasters, but is it wise for children's work to be publicly evaluated? Have we gone too far with open commentary? We try to teach manners, thoughtfulness, and acts of kindness in the midst of a world that seems to value thoughtless remarks and crude comments. Are our students getting the wrong impression about what's important in human relationships? Students need to learn how to work together and support each other. They need to learn about empathy, but ... There seem to be two worlds out there for our children. One says, "Be thoughtful, sincere, and respect others"; the other says, "Put down, complain, rate, and criticize and do it all in the most annoying way possible and it will help you get your own way."
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