On March 31, 2009, students and teachers from schools in the Bronx and Long Island hear Anderson Cooper interview Arianna Huffington, D.L. Hughley, and Mike Huckabee on the topic, "Free Speech and the Power of the Press" in the "Minds that Move the World" speaker series at Radio City Music Hall.
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We’d like to thank the students and faculty of CUNY Preparatory High School and the Jonathan Levin High School in the Bronx and, also, Bethpage High School in Long Island for participating in this event and for sharing their experiences with us.
Thank you so much for inclduing Bethpage in the Radio City Music Hall Speaker Series! It was truly a valuable educational experience. After watching the evening's debate, I had a much better grasp on the various views of politicians/those involved in politics. Anderson Cooper was a wonderful moderator and the speakers were entertaining and enjoyable in their own unique ways. I speak on behalf of all students who attended when I say thanks again and please be sure to include us next time!
Posted by: Kathryn Banzer | April 20, 2009 at 10:29 PM