Let’s face it. Most video games have male dominated storylines and feature more male characters. But, online, the sexism that is prevalent takes a more menacing form – from harrassment to threats of rape. An interesting article on the subject came out recently, authored by Jonathan McIntosh, about the "invisible benefits" that males experience while playing video games. In the post, he lists 25 effects of "male gamer privilege." Here's a sample:
- I can choose to remain completely oblivious, or indifferent to the harassment that many women face in gaming spaces.
- I am never told that video games or the surrounding culture is not intended for me because I am male.
- I can publicly post my username, gamertag, or contact information online without having to fear being stalked or sexually harassed because of my gender.
- I will never be asked to "prove my gaming cred" simply because of my gender.
- I will almost always have the option to play a character of my gender, as most protagonists or heroes will be male by default.
- If I am trash-talked or verbally berated while playing online, it will not be because I am male nor will my gender be invoked as an insult.
- My gaming ability, attitude, feelings, or capability will never be called into question based on unrelated natural biological functions.
McIntosh also says that one of the hurdles to addressing the issue is for male gamers to acknowledge that it happens in the first place, McIntosh says. "I don't see it, so I don't think it really exists," is a common perspective. This is an interesting topic to bring up with the gamers of both sexes at your house.